Registration | APAC 2024

Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC)

13-18 July 2024

Dubai, UAE

Hosted by: GAC, EIAC & ENAS


Registration is now open to members of APAC and invited guests.

Registration Rates
Registration Type Fee Info Welcome Reception Official Dinner Technical Visit (optional)

1600 $

13 July – 18 July 2024

Plus 100.00$
accompanying persons

450 $

include attendance at lunches and social functions


You Can Login Here If You Have An Account Or Signup New Account

*Includes lunch and coffee breaks provided each day.

*Delegates, accompanying persons or invited guests are welcome to attend technical visit. Each person attending requires one ticket.

**Registration fees will be charged in US Dollars (USD).

Registration Deadline

Registration for the APAC 2024 meetings will close on June 13, 2024.


Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be submitted by email to All email correspondence must originate for the record of registration for consideration as a valid request. Cancellations received on or before May 13, 2024 will receive a full refund less a $100 USD administration fee. Cancellations received thereafter are not eligible for refunds.


Visa Application

Depending on which country you come from, you require a visa to travel to the UAE Find out more here.

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